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Appraisal Management Company

Collateral Management is a nationwide real estate appraisal management company (AMC) that provides valuation services by certified real estate appraisers.

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30 Clever Logos with Creative Use of Letters and Text

30 clever logos with creative use of letters and text that showcase how effective type-based logos can be.

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Fancy Image Hover Using CSS3

Using transform and transition properties of CSS3, we can add some very sleek hover effects to any image without scripting.

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Recreating the MLB.com Content Switcher with jQuery and CSS3

This article seeks to re-create the MLB content switcher with jQuery and several of CSS3's new features- border-radius, RGBA colors, opacity, and gradients.

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Logo Design Inspiration: Effective Use of Bird In Logo Design

"In this post we've collected 50 beautiful logos inspired by birds. Take a look at them and be inspired."

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jQuery Bubble Engine

A delightful jQuery plugin that generates semi transparent bubbles that float around on your page!

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PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features, such as border-radius, box-shadow, and linear-gradient.

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Guancaste Costa Rica the most popular tourist destination in the country. Guancaste fishing is considered to be some of the best.

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